David and Jingjing Funny Wedding Letter

Chinese Drama 2022

Why Women Love (Chinese Drama Review & Summary)

Why Women Love poster

  • Genre: Modern Romance, Noona Romance
  • Release Date: 8 February 2022
  • Origin: China
  • Cdrama: 24 Episodes


  • Gina Jin Chen as Zhao Jiangyue
  • Wang Ziyi as Gu Jiaxin
  • Simona Wang Shuang as Qian Jingjing
  • David Liang Dawei as Xu Ningyuan
  • Peng Yaqi as Li Yanran
  • Zheng Miao as Zheng Duoxi
  • He Zeyuan as Qi Heng
  • Wang Zheng as Zhang Hao

Quick Precis

Rebellious but talented Gu Jiaxin became Zhao Jiangyue's assistant.


  • 6 Feb 2022: The drama is ready to broadcast on 8 February 2022.

Episode 1

Whoa!  Love it instantly. It is fluffy, it is frothy, it is gorgeous, it is cute.  It is undemanding!  And it has an explosive leads chemistry.

Zhao Jiangyue had just turned 30 and was still rather clueless about love.  She never had a boyfriend but she had been crushing on Xu Ningyuan but does not know how to hunt him down.🤣

This is rather ironic because she had just created an app called Love Notes which is about online dating.

She works for Link Technology and Love Notes is a major project which Zhao Jiangyue was in charge of introducing to the public.

Anyway, Zhao Jiangyue is very beautiful, very confident and strong woman.  The wife of Link Technology put her in charge of watching over her son, Gu Jiaxin, who will be taking over the company if he was licked into shape.

Zhao Jiangyue agreed after all how hard could it be to make someone behave responsibly for his own inheritance?!!!

Gu Jiaxin came sauntering into the office in his biker outfit.  Very expensive LV Monogram Embossed Utility Jacket with his beautifully combed hair held in place by hair spray that could have caused damage to the ozone layer.

Anyway, Gu Jiaxin is young, fit and gorgeous.

As Zhao Jiangyue was in the studio for the rehearsal of the live broadcast of Love Notes, Gu Jiaxin was asked to wait at Jiangyue's office.

Jiangyue was with Qian Jingjing, an extremely popular and witty Livestreamer who also happens to be Jiangyue's best friend.

JingJing gave Jiangyue a nicely wrapped present which is an album of young male models for Jaingyue to choose from.  When Jiangyue showed a little shock, Jingjing asked if she perhaps prepare the uncle sort, older guys.

Anyway Jiangyue went back to the office with her album and met Gu Jiaxin who told her that he doesn't want to work at all so if she doesn't really have the time he could do his own thing away from the office and she doesn't have to worry.

Gu Jiaxin spotted the album and started teasing her that she seemed to like young boys just like him.  He was shocked when he felt her hand stroking his abs.

Jiangyue told him that he will work for her as she had promised his mother.  She then told him to follow her to the studio.

It was the Livestream where Jingjing ably introduced Jiangyue as the creator of Love Notes, based on the artifact of love letters.

Anyway, Gu Jiaxin could not help himself.  He asked a question on the comments on the Livestream.  He wanted to know why the creator of Love Notes is not married or has a boyfriend.

After sending Gu Jiaxin a killer look, Jiangyue promised the public to give her three months; she will be using Love Notes to change her own status to taken.  All of the staff were shocked at her statement.

Back at her office, he told Gu Jiaxin that he can't get out of working for her because he had been tasked to her.

She told him to work hard and who knows if he catches her in a good mood she might fire him but in the meantime, he had to work.

Jiangyue worked late that night and this leave Jiaxin twiddling his thumb in boredom.

He decided to prank Jiangxin by pretending there was a ghost in the office.  He threw documents all over the place and played with the lights. On and off, on and off.

Jiangyue got rather scared and when she came out of her office she was met by a ghostly figure.  She smacked him but fell on top of him.  Then, one of many tropes, she ended up kissing him but a sheet separated their mouths.

Jiaxin was rather disturbed.  He is so cute.

Jiangyue warned him to tidy up the office or what…

Gu Jiaxin moved into his apartment.  He heard a knock but there was no one there except for a box of birthday cake.  He ate the cake but later felt guilty, he decided to come clean to the real cake owner who he found to be Jiangyue who lives below his apartment.

He saw that Jiangyue was eating instant noodle soup so he said that he could not let her celebrate her birthday with just pot noodles so he went to her fridge and was surprised to find it was decidedly empty except for bottled water and a box of eggs.

He beats some eggs and microwaved them and make her try them.  So cute.  Loving this drama already.

Episode 2

It is really super cute. Gu Jiaxin is adorable.

Jiangyue tasked Jiaxin to distribute love note questionnaires to the public.

Jiaxin found out that it was not as easy as he thought but he came out with a solution to go to a nearby university where hormonal girls were only to happy to receive a questionnaire from a handsome guy like him.

Having finished his task, he asked where Jiangyue was.  He was told that she went to a marriage agency.

He overheard the interview of that Jiangyue had to go through to become a member.  They said that she was too excellent but overage to match with anyone in their system.

Usually, men go for those younger women, who are willing to stay at home do the housework and have babies.

Jiaxin went in secretly and he completed a form as well.  In his form, he indicated that he wanted a woman who is 8 years older than him and earns millions as well as having work as her hobby.

As soon as his information was inputted into their system, they found that he was 100% matching with Jiangyue.

He then revealed that Jiangyue was a manager of Link Technology and that he was her assistant.

Jiangyue then said that their questionnaire was out of date.  They are more singles now over thirty, etc.  The admin of the marriage bureau was apologetic.

Anyway, Jiangyue later came out with the idea of gathering 100 singles just like her for a get-together.  Jiaxin said that they should call it Elite Singles Night.

Jiangyue asked Jiaxin to collate the questionnaires to an applet.

Jiaxin asked someone from his old school who now works for Aimeng.com to give him the template on how to do the applet questionnaire.

It would have gone smooth but Jiangyue later found out that Aimeng.com had just released exactly the same questionnaire as the one Jiaxin was working on.

Of course Jiangyue absolutely went mental and Jiaxin understood because it would cost money from the company as well as the time and effort of creating and designing the questionnaire itself from many the staff.

Jiaxin explained to Jiangyue that as much as he does not want to work at Link Tech as he was a racer, he would not do anything jeopardise the company.  He really trusted his senior at Aimeng.com.

Anyway, Link Tech went to work to remedy the situation and Jiaxin was actually good at computer tech, he was just lazy.

Anyway, everything was sorted ready for the next day's release.

He and Jiangyue went home to rest.

Jiangyue woke up later with a knock on her door.

It was Jiaxin with food.

Jiangyue's kitchen tap was not working so she had to get the tools to do her plumbing🤣🤣

Jiaxin said that this is a scenario where she had to play weak and ask a man, him, to do the plumbing for her.

But she was very competent or she looked it but when she turned the faucet, the water went everywhere and she and Jiaxin got gorgeously soaked to the skin.  Awww

Episode 3

Jiaxin and Jiangyue are unconsciously flirting with each other.

It was the night of the Elite Single's Night and Jiangyue and Jiaxin joined in.

Xu Ningyuan turned up and Jiaxin was very encouraging towards Jiangyue to pursue a relationship with Xu NIngyuan was Jiangyue just don't get it.

Jiaxin said he will teach her how to fall in love.

Episode 4

Jiaxin turned up at her apartment with a school uniform for her.  He said that he will teach her how to fall in love by dating her himself.  They are so cute.

Jiaxin took her to her old school and they behaved like a couple of teenagers in love.  But in the end, she told Jiaxin that she was glad she studied in school rather than falling in love.

Meanwhile, Jingjing was trending because her husband was found to be dating another woman in a bar.

Jingjing was of course very upset but for damage limitation, she released a video where her husband explained that it was all a misunderstanding.

Behind the scene though, Zhang Hao asked Jingjing for divorce.

Jingjing did not have any option so she agreed but she told him that for at least six months he had to pretend that they are still a loving couple so she would not be in breach of her contract as the Love Queen for Link Technology.

Jingjing confided to Jiangyue who was so supportive.  She said that she will punish Zhang Hao somehow.  Men are like sugarcane, full of sweetness but you are left with scum.

Li Yanran, Jiaxiin's childhood sweetheart, is back from abroad.

Episode 5

Jiangyue decided to take her revenge on Zhang Hao so she sneaked into the room where he was supposed to be having a massage.  She thought she saw him so she tied him up and wrote jerks all over his back.

But then she realised it was Jiaxin and she had to scrub out the permanent ink on his back which would not come off despite using a brush and then steel wool.  Poor Jiaxin ended up screaming his head off in pain.

Qi Heng, Jiaxin's friend came back from abroad for Zheng Duo Xi.  They were classmates.  Qi Heng had had a crush on Duo Xi since high school.

Episode 6

Jiaxin gave Jiangyue a crash course in Flirting 101 for her date with Xu Ning Yuan but it did not work as Jiangyue was too awkward so she appeared weird rather than sexy to Ningyuan.  Then she ended up turning the date into a business meeting.

Xu Ning Yuan said that he does not want to talk business.

Episode 7

At the end of the date, Xu Ning Yuan asked her if she has anything to say to him.  She said goodnight which frustrated him a bit.  But then he clarified that the girl at the wedding was not his girlfriend.

Jiaxin was having fun watching Duoxi and Qi Heng hide their mutual crush from one another.

Yanran was a new recruit at Link Technology.  She is so hyper but rather cute.

Jiaxin told her that they should not let it be known in the office that they know each other.

Meanwhile, Jiaxin was mentoring Jiangyuan in the love department but he realised that he gets upset when he sees Jiangyuan and Xu Ningyuan on a date.

Episode 8

An advertiser to Link Technology had not renewed his contract and it looks like he did not intend to.

The client's contact in Link Technology was Miss Song who had already left the company so it was left to Jiangyuan to court back the client.

She heard that the client likes golf and would likely be at the golf course.

To be able to get the contract signed, Jiangyuan had to conduct business at the golf course (normally is).  As this was the case, Jiangyuan had to have a crash course in golfing and her trainer would be Jiaxin who assured him that he is a pro.

In return he made her promise that he could go back in motor racing to fulfill a promise to his best friend Kangzhe who crashed during a race and is still comatose until now.

Jiaxin only came back from abroad and to the company when his mother promised to foot the bill of Kangzhe hospitalization.

Jiaxin was such a good teacher that Jiangyuan learned the basic of golf pretty quickly.  She was good at the sport that even the client was impressed and readily signed a new contract with Jiangyuan.

Jiaxin confessed to Jiangyuan that he is not into Yanran but he can't really tell her to cease and desist because it would only encourage her.  The only way was to wait for Yanran not to like him anymore.

Jiangyuan asked innocently that perhaps Jiaxin already like Yanran but just not reaslised it yet.

Jiaxin said that was impossible because he knows when he likes someone, immediately he became bashful as he knew who he likes.

Episode 9

Love Notes was officially launched on Valentine's Day.

Xu Ningyuan gifted Jiangyue the latest edition of the Huawei laptop.

Jiaxin gifted her with a pot of cactus.

Aww, Duoxi was moping and Qi Heng was moping. Jiaxin cannot take it anymore so he told Qi Heng that Duoxi fancy the pants off him.

Qi Heng was so excited he hacked the monitor of Duoxi's idol band.  The band gave Qi Heng a  chance to confess his feelings to Douxi who shyly reciprocated it.

Meanwhile, Jiaxin went to find Jiangyue.  She hurt her hand while trying to catch a board that Jiaxin bumped into so the spend Valentine's night in the hospital.

Yan Ran and Xu Ningyuan had an easy relationship and looks like they might end up together.

But poor Jingjing is all alone and sad.

Episode 10

Jiaxin was taking it seriously looking after Jiangyuen.

He did the cooking for her; he made her chicken curry.

He was so happy when she took out a grain of rice from the corner of his mouth.  He is really so cute.

I must say the boy who played young  Qi Heng looks so much like the present Qi Heng.

Qi Heng and Duoxi confessed to each other that they had a crush on each other.

Jiaxin and Ningyuan were making Jiangyuan uncomfortable with their rivalry.

Jiangyuan started to realise that Jiaxin might have a crush on her.

Meanwhile, Jingjing is truly grateful when Vincent, a divorce lawyer, prevented her from drunkenly divulging that she was divorced.

Episode 11

The lift was not working at Jiangyuan's apartment building and she misplaced her keys at the office so she stayed at Jiaxin who looked after her.

Thinking that she was asleep, he whispered that he promised her to get her together with Xu Ningyuan but now regrets it.

As the Love Notes launch was a success, the management rewarded the staff with a team-building activity in the Ancient town of Tongli.

Ningyuan met up with Jiangyuan in Tongli.  Ningyuan confessed to Jiangyuan.

Episode 12

Jiaxin told annoying Yanran that he had told her before that she doesn't rock her boat and has never changed.

Meanwhile, Jiaxin confessed to JIangyuan, who told him that she needs to think about it.




Episode 16

Vindictive Vincent revealed that Jingjing was divorced from Zhang Hao.




Episode 20

Ms Jin was incapacitated in the hospital and as such she called her son and asked him to become the temporary president of Link Technology while she was recuperating.

She promised him that when she was better he could go back to pursuing his dream.

Jiaxin agreed under one condition and that was to bring back Jiangyue as she was integral to him.

Now that Jiangyue was back, Yanran told Jiaxin that she wanted to quit as she really only wanted to work at Link Technology.

Jiaxin told her that Jiangyue was rather impressed with Yanran.  She was good at her work when she was focusing.

Yanran was gratified with this and promised to stay.

Meanwhile, Miss Song was creating trouble at work, she was banning almost everything that has to do with Love Notes.

Jingjing and her husband are getting on much better.

Jiangyue got so jealous when Anna Song of KJ Capital came to see Jiaxin.  Anna is a CEO of a finance company.  Because of her jealousy, Jiangyue became so immature.  Putting her jealousy over the business.

Episode 21

Jiangyue and Jiaxin were having dinner when Anna barged in.  Jiangyue got even more jealous when Jiaxin told Jiangyue if he could have a private word with Anna.

This completely made Jiangyue lose her appetite.

Jiangyue ended up later with Jingjing and Duoxi for some advice regarding Anna and Jiaxin.  She told them that Anna maybe her love rival.

Jingjing was forced to say that Anna could be a serious love rival looking at her photo.

Jiangyue was obsessing about it, especially when she saw Jiaxin's diary being chocker bloke with appointments with Anna.

Hew told her that he was going to a birthday party for one of his mates that night, she saw the note he made that it was going to be in a hotel room.  So she became suspicious and followed him.  She saw him with Anna.  Immediately Jiangyue called Jingjing for moral support and they both knock into the hotel room and found Jiaxin with his male friends celebrating a birthday.

Jiaxin had to tell Jiangyue was was going on with Anna.  He said that she was going to buy Love Notes as more or less agreed with Miss Jin because the company is in dire of financial support.

However, they found out that Song Xue had been leaking confidential information for her own benefit as found out by Jaixin.  He was given evidence by Anna.  At the same time Yanran also got hold of a recording between Song Xue and Anna which answered the question why Song Xue,  trusted by Ms Jin would betray the company.  Apparently, Song Xue's family needed money as her husband's company was going bankrupt.

Episode 22

Link Technology had a renewed vigour when a new revised Love Notes was created withing five days.

It was a board meeting.  Jiaxin fired Song Xue for betraying the company.  The other managers were saying that they could not just fire Song Xue without a full investigation.

Ms Jin turned up and said that she had seen all the evidence.

Ms Jin also fired another person and it was Jiaxin.  So he could now realise his dream of motor racing.

Jiaxin was so happy he held both his mother and Jiangyue's hand and said he will protect them both.

The two laughed off his cheesy pronouncement.

Jiaxin started his training but he was not happy and his coach was not satisfied either.  He was having trouble with the bend where Kang Zhe had his accident.  He can't get over it/

His coach said that winning is not always about defeating an opponent but actually defeating yourself.

Jing Jing passed her self-roasting about what happened to her marriage when she was supposed to be the Queen of Love.

Meanwhile, Yanran's failure to land Jiaxin was getting bearable as she was often being wined and dined by Xu Ning Yuan.

Episode 23

Jiaxin was a little upset that no one was there to support him during his race as Jiangyue was busy with the launch of the new Love Notes.

Then suddenly Jiangyue was there with the whole staff.  They were doing the live streaming at the racecourse.

It was exhilarating as Jiaxin wins.

His win means that Jiaxin can join the Maddy Race held abroad.  He was not as enthusiastic about it as he would had been but he was doing it more for Kang Zhe.

Anyway, Jiangyue said that she supports his passion for racing and doesn't mind a LDR.

He was looking for a vase for the flowers when he found a used pregnancy stick.  He got so excited that he was going to be a daddy.

He can't ask Jiangyue about it because he thought he might spoil her surprise, instead, he arranged a grand proposal.

And she said no.  She is not ready to get married.

She cleared up that she was not pregnant.  It was Jingjing who was pregnant but was not ready to tell Hong Yao yet.

Episode 24

It is a happy ending.

Anyway, Xu Ningxuan was being sent abroad.  He said his goodbyes to Jiangyue, who is his best friend, and also to Yanran.  He was surprised to find that Yanran was on the plane with him.  She said she was taking a holiday.

Qi Heng and Douxi also got engaged.   They are both living in Shenzhen.  He said that he was poor at the moment but he would always protect and look after her.

Then it was time for Jiaxin to leave for abroad.  It was a very sad affair with Jiaxin balling his eyes out inside the van taking him to the airport.

A few months later, all the gang were back for the award ceremony including a heavily pregnant Jingjing with Zhang Hao.

Love Notes won and the award was accepted by Jiangyue.  She used the ceremony to propose to Jiaxin.  Her proposal drove everyone to tears.

Everyone, including a now awake Kang Zhe from the hospital, joined in the chorus that Jiaxin must accept the proposal.

He accepted willingly.

They love each other so much that Jiangyue had turned into a biker chic.

The End


Source: https://www.globalgranary.life/2022/02/08/why-women-love-chinese-drama-review-summary/

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